Eager to learn about chute-side behavior or safe cattle handling procedures?
Then join us in Grand Island, NE for WIRED
With exciting guest speakers, workshops tailored to hot topics in the industry and hands-on learning opportunities. WIRED is the perfect place for all females with a passion for beef cattle to gather together.
Join us for an empowering chance to grow as an individual and advocate for the beef industry.
Speakers include:
Assistant Professor of Animal Behavior & Welfare UNL
Gene Dubas, Owner, Dubas Cattle & Sales Representative, Moly Manufacturing
$100 per registration. Early Registration ends February 24th. Additional $25 after that date
Attendee limit is 125 people
WIRED Location: Fonner Park - 5 Point Bank Arena 700 E. Stolley Park Grand Island, NE 68801
Hotel Accommodations:
Hampton Inn
504 Diers Ave.
Grand Island, NE
(308) 384-9777
To book, reservations can be made in one of 3 ways: 1-calling the hotel directly, 2 - calling our 1-800-Hampton, or 3-going onto our brand website (directions to follow)
When calling the hotel directly, 308.384.9777, please simply ask for the special group code: American National Cattlewomen.
If booking through our Central Reservation line, please call 1-800-Hampton and mention the special group code "ACW".
If booking directly online please follow the steps listed below:
For more information, contact:
Tammi Didlot | 405.409.7633 Jill Ginn | 806.570.6185
March 09, 2023 – Thursday (Hampton Inn – 504 Diers Ave)
5:30 - 6:30 Welcome Social
March 10, 2023 - Friday (Fonner Park – 5 Points Arena)
7:30 - Registration/Sign in/Breakfast
8:00 – Introductions & Welcome - ANCW
8:30 – Safety when it comes to Cattle! Why it matters! Pen Design– Moly Mfg
9:00 – Trace Minerals - Don Goodman, DVM - Consulting Vet for Multimin
10:00 – Break / Visit with Vendors
10:30 – Keynote Address by Dr. Temple Grandin
11:30 - TBD
12:00 – Break for Lunch – Onsite (ANCW Overview)
1:00 – 4:30 Break Out Sessions 2-2:30 – Break/ Visit with Vendors & Network
C. Working with the Ears – Jennie Hodgen, Merck
1. Tags
6:00 – 8:00 Dinner - Onsite
March 11, 2023 – Saturday -(Fonner Park – 5 Points Arena)
8:00 – Breakfast – Onsite
8:15 – Guest Speaker - Dr. Ruth Woiwode
9:00 – Break/ Visit with Vendors & Network
9:15 –Cattle Marketing – Panel to include Feedlot/Salebarn/Auction/Programs
Panel Members:
10:15 – Break/ Visit with Vendors & Network
10:30 – Beef Quality Assurance Overview & Testing Process – Jesse Fulton
11:45 – Wrap-up/Evaluation Survey
Copyright American National CattleWomen · 2023 · All rights reserved.